Das bringst du mit

- a proac­tive, get­ting things done atti­tude
- deep know­ledge and hands-on expe­ri­ence of Python, Django, Post­greSQL and front­end frame­works of your choice (ReactJS, Angu­larJS, Vue.js), CSS, HTML
- the ability to write well desi­gned, tes­ta­ble, effi­ci­ent code and expe­ri­ence working with test auto­ma­tion and Dev­Ops prin­ci­ples
- expe­ri­ence deve­lo­ping on top of IaaS/PaaS pro­vi­ders, such as AWS or IBM Blu­emix, as well as admi­nis­tra­ting these
- the ability to quickly under­stand and ana­lyze tech­ni­cal pro­blems and archi­tect solu­ti­ons for these on your own
- the wil­ling­ness to cont­ri­bute in all pha­ses of the deve­lop­ment lifecy­cle
- inte­rest and some prac­tice in machine learning
- gra­dua­ted from / worked at a uni­ver­sity wit­hin the last 5 years
- as a bonus: pre­vious star­tup expe­ri­ence

Das erwartet Dich

We offer…
- a salary of 3000€ if you hold a PhD degree or 2500€ if you hold a Mas­ter’s degree (gross salary) (Exist-sti­pen­dium)
- an attrac­tive equity package
- a works­pace at our ins­pi­ring star­tup incu­ba­tor
- a fle­xi­ble start date - you can start imme­dia­tely or whe­ne­ver you are free to join us

Das bieten wir

You will…
be working with the whole team
be a digi­tal pioneer and have an important impact on the digi­ta­liza­t­ion of the con­struc­tion indus­try


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