Das bringst du mit
• Experience in founding tech-related start-up
• a couple of years of work experience in one of the following fields: electrical systems and safety, mechanical systems and components, automotive system design, battery technology, programming, and software development
• Good analytic thinking and problem-solving skills
• Fluency in both written and spoken English and German (at least C1)
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
- Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
- Organisieren und Ordnung halten
- Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Das erwartet Dich
• Develop a concept for a novel electric conversion kit
• Participate in the prototype building
• Optimize user experience
Das bieten wir
• Flexible working time arrangement (part-or full-time)
• Space for creativity and decision making
• Work at the interception of business and tech development
• Attractive salary according to the EXIST Business Start-up Grant
• Shares in the start-up company
Über unser Startup/Projekt
... create an eco-friendly and sustainable market solution that reduces transportation costs in Africa's biggest market using the e-Keke concept.
The project concept brings innovative business ideas and market knowledge to an attractive emerging economy in Africa
• build a team• develop a customized electric conversion kit and the e-keke mobile app
• Attract venture investors.
short-distance commercial operators, development partners, and governments of developing countriesAnbieter
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