Das bringst du mit

We are looking for 3 team members to apply for EXIST funding. One person has to do business planning and market research, develop marketing strategy. For two other positions we are looking for software and hardware engineers.

Das erwartet Dich

The project itself got a very good feedback from experts in the startup area and it perfectly matches to the mobility initiative of the city of Hamburg. First complete prototype of our product has already been produced and is fully functional, including the mobile application, so nothing has to be started from scratch.

Das bieten wir

We offer all advantages of EXIST funding, as well as of other funding programs, to which we plan to apply. Moreover, currently we are three people in the team with doctoral degrees in physics, broad technical expertise, motivated, easy going and friendly :)


Hamburg Region
KA Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum
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