Das bringst du mit

You are a go-getter and want to be your own boss!
We shape the sales vision together and you find a way to execute it.
The position is fully remote
Connect and message me here or on LinkedIn.
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Erstkontakt und persönlicher Ansprache
  • Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
  • Wörtern und Kommunikation
  • Dinge vorantreiben und erledigen
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken

Das erwartet Dich

Sales/demo calls with customers.
Validating client interest
Validating willingness to pay

Das bieten wir

Earn commission on high ticket sales commission. Each contract yields us five to six-digit revenue
You are your own boss. You are our partner and not an employee
We have a fully staffed tech team, ready to integrate our product
Our experienced business team will lend our support whenever needed.
You can work remotely.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Every company needs leads. We've found a way to build highly targeted lead lists in a cost-effective and efficient way.

Our tech team has built a working B2B lead scraping tool. We are able to get the relevant emails and phone numbers of business leaders in any niche that has an online presence.

Building a team that can test our product in the market
Adding additional partners who want to integrate lead scraping

Any companies needing B2B leads


Commission Based Gehalt
KA Anteile
10 / 2023 Startdatum
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