Das bringst du mit
I am looking for a person that is first and foremost a music lover , and has advanced skills in software development. Ideally based in Zürich. By joining forces , we can create a successful platform and improve the lives of million of artists
Du bist gut mit...
- Zahlen, Daten und Logik
- Design und visueller Gestaltung
- Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
- als Vollzeitbeschäftigter gearbeitet
Das erwartet Dich
Das bieten wir
Über unser Startup/Projekt
Help the broad community of musicians to solve their daily struggles when working on their musical passion
I need co-founder with experience and expertise in music and software development.
I offer the opportunity to work together in an idea that aims to deal with the many daily struggles of musicians. I am very passionate and able to drive the marketing, funding, and product management parts of the business. I would like to benefit from the software development skills and overall technical expertise of a co-founder
Change mindset of the musical communityAdapt idea in many different musical personalities, styles, and levels of expertise