Das bringst du mit
- You should be highly interested in creating, training and analyzing AI/ML applications, models and routines
- You should be capable to understand how ChatGPT is built, rather than how it is applied
- You should be willing to transist into effectively leading teams, away from coding everything yourself
- You should want to become one of the first and major technical voices in AI when it comes to business process analysis and prediction
Du bist gut mit...
- Zahlen, Daten und Logik
- Organisieren und Ordnung halten
- Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
- ein Unternehmen gegründet
- als Vollzeitbeschäftigter gearbeitet
- Vollzeitbeschäftigte geführt
Das erwartet Dich
- You should be highly interested in creating, training and analyzing AI/ML applications, models and routines
- You should be capable to understand how ChatGPT is built, rather than how it is applied
- You should be willing to transist into effectively leading teams, away from coding everything yourself
- You should want to become one of the first and major technical voices in AI when it comes to business process analysis and prediction
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