Das bringst du mit

- Just be a super good developer
- Autonomous problem solver
- And a good friend
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik

Das erwartet Dich

Make some cool stuff

Das bieten wir

Somewhere between beer pong, Pizza & changing the world with impactful value

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Gamified cult-platform for personalbrands. Lead movements, create culture. ⬇️ Pitchdeck below ⬇️

Clanly is lonely positioned at the psychological & transactional core of a mulitpling $250bn industry, with a moneyprinting-engine as a businessmodel where customer growth is exponentially self-driven, while they dig themselves natively into a vendorlock.

$X billion potential x Trust the Wave ->
- Creator economy market: $450bn Projected growth from 2023 $250bn to $450bn by 2027
- Meaning & belonging: 80% of millennials seek purposeful and authentic experiences online.
- Gamification market: $30bn Projected growth from $9bn (2020) to $30bn by (2025)
- Demand for personalized experience: 90% of consumers prefer authenticity & personalization when purchasing.

Short-Term ->
- Technical side: We feel more confident with a super competent elite level technical Co-founder instead of outsourcing stuff to an Agency.

Problem (Probably the biggest at the moment)->
1: Globalization disrupts culture, leading to a value -& identitycrisis.
2: ***
3: ***

Current Solutions ->
They spend billions on entertainment, education and drugs...
In order to imitate the sense of "meaning," yet none of these industries fill the deep psychological void within. Digital natives have developed coping mechanisms and respond in a typical crisis manner through "fight or flight."

Social media makes this even worse. Initially designed to connect people, thousands of studies have shown that they create isolation, especially in young people, while making them somewhat addicted to it.

Solution -> Clanly

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