Das bringst du mit

For now, it is the biggest challenge to create a GTM strategy. With limited resources we should find a way to have an impact (reach and first sales or investment).
Du bist gut mit...
  • Erstkontakt und persönlicher Ansprache
  • Design und visueller Gestaltung
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
  • an einem Accelerator/Incubator-Programm teilgenommen

Das erwartet Dich

All we can do! (early stage — let’s get our hands dirty)

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Alles fit im Schritt! No more pain or sweat in the crotch.

Position as a co-founder
(Startup is in stealthmode and currently part of the Stoff im Kopf accelerator)

An new innovative product which might be hard to sell, because it is used in the taboo zone and in general, people are sceptic when it comes to unproved/new things.

Currently, testing the PMF

KA Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum