Das bringst du mit

I am looking for someone who is genuinely interested in founding and is open for a get-to-know meeting to discuss ideas. For me, it is more important to find someone with whom I match chemistry, as I am convinced that this leads to the best results. You should be interested in sports and AI for my currrent idea, but even if you aren't - let's have a chat, maybe it's a match nevertheless!
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken

Das erwartet Dich

developing a Computer Vision model, collecting appropriate data


Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
KA Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum
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