Das bringst du mit
OR for an intermediate who is fast and hungry to learn!
Our Tech Stack:
- TS, Next.JS, GCP, Various LLMs
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
- Zahlen, Daten und Logik
Das erwartet Dich
- building the product
Das bieten wir
Trust & Transparency
Challenges & Growth
+ We are getting close mentorship from a unicorn Founder & CTO, so when you are excited about that, you can get this mentorship too!
Über unser Startup/Projekt
Make learning feel like asking your best friend for help!
The right book at the right time will change your life! But who has the time to read all these "10 Must Read Books to get smarter/healthier/happier/more successful!" !? Don't worry, we got you covered. Just tell use, which book you want and we deliver a delicious 15min summary of the key ideas within 24h! And it will get even better: You just have 7min? No problem! Tell us what you are most interested in and we deliver a unique summary for your needs!
User Acquisition & Experiments to increase the USP
Ambitious, hungry people, that want to fulfil true their potential in life!Anbieter
Weitere Startup-Jobs
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