SUSTAINABLE FUTURE BY ADAPTIVITY Modular Reconfigurable Robotics
Unser Angebot
Working on the exciting topic of self-assembly and self-reconfiguration with a big potential towards a future. Be a part of a young international team.
Construction companies and entertainment
Turn a concept of self-reconfigurable modular system into a market application focusing on large scale structure for building industry and architecture
Unsere Story
RECONFIXX team was established in March 2021 as a market application of research on self-reconfigurable modular systems with shareable actuators firstly published in 2017 by Dr. Jan Petrš.
The international team has currently three members:
Jan Petrš - CEO - responsible for strategy, technology development, and product design.
Jiří Petrš - CIO - he takes on the task of developing software and system control.
Sanoop Siby -CTO- he takes responsibility for analysis and engineering including material configurations and robotic engineering capabilities.
During its existence, Reconfixx has for instance successfully applied for Gruender Motor Meisterklasse or exhibited in Bienalle of Experimental Architecture 2021 in Prague.
The international team has currently three members:
Jan Petrš - CEO - responsible for strategy, technology development, and product design.
Jiří Petrš - CIO - he takes on the task of developing software and system control.
Sanoop Siby -CTO- he takes responsibility for analysis and engineering including material configurations and robotic engineering capabilities.
During its existence, Reconfixx has for instance successfully applied for Gruender Motor Meisterklasse or exhibited in Bienalle of Experimental Architecture 2021 in Prague.