Rosper is a social growth platform dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey to personal development and well-being.



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Looking for a co-founding partner to help with technical side (as I am currently building beta app) with 35-45% in company equity.


Rosper primarily targets individuals who are committed to personal growth and well-being. This includes people of all ages who are interested in enhancing their spiritual, mental, and physical health. Our platform is ideal for those who seek a supportive community to share their daily progress, set and achieve personal goals, and engage in activities that promote overall well-being. This includes:

1. Health and Wellness Enthusiasts: Individuals focused on fitness, mindfulness, nutrition, and other wellness activities.

2. Personal Development Seekers: People who are dedicated to self-improvement, learning new skills, and achieving personal milestones.

3. Community-Oriented Individuals: Those who value connection and support from like-minded individuals and groups.

4. Tech-Savvy Users: People comfortable using mobile applications to track their activities and engage with others.

5. Motivated Achievers: Individuals who are goal-oriented and seek tools and support to maintain motivation and accountability.

By catering to these diverse yet interconnected groups, Rosper aims to create a vibrant and inclusive community that supports holistic personal growth.


1. Technical Development:
• Milestone: Completing the development of the cross-platform mobile application using Flutter.
• Obstacle: Ensuring the app is stable, bug-free, and performs well across both iOS and Android devices.

2. User Experience and Feedback:
• Milestone: Implementing a user-friendly UI/UX design based on initial user feedback.
• Obstacle: Balancing aesthetic appeal with functionality and ease of use, while effectively prioritizing and incorporating user feedback within a tight timeline.

3. User Acquisition:
• Milestone: Building an initial user base for beta testing.
• Obstacle: Attracting early adopters who are willing to provide valuable feedback and engage with the platform, and effectively differentiating Rosper from competitors in the market.