Folks love fake nails -in versions of coloured, gradient to glittery. We make them biodegradable - so when they land on soil, they'll be gone within 3 months!



Unser Angebot

I offer the position of a co-founder within the EXIST-Gründerstipendium. At the moment we are two people. A third person with a background in business administration is needed to get the stipendiate and the start-up going.

Within the first yr you will earn 2000-3000€, depending on your degree.

Furthermore, I offer a healthy working atmosphere where everyone is reliable and communication is excellent.


mainly women from 15 - 60 yrs


Building the team and of course getting a perfect material for the biodegradable nails. Not only does it have to be sturdy and water-insoluble, but also fit to be a canvas for appealing designs.

Unsere Story

Many factors played in how I came to this stage. With a friend we talked about making a start up in biopolymers. Then, through a lucky coincidence I encountered the EXIST-women stipendiate. My friend and I applied and were accepted. My friend became pregnant, though. So I kept on doing the start-up by myself. Went to the lab everyday to make a good biopolymer. So far, I have one that is really good.

Also, I already did a lot of networking. I got in contact with successful founders (who sell specific products) who gave me invaluable insight into the machinery of entrepreneurship.

Recently, I got a application for co-founder. He is a young chemist who is very interested in biopolymers. He also has expertise in project planning. Furthermore, he is in contact with producers of synthetic materials and biopolymers.

So we are two now. To get the stipendiate EXIST-Gründerstipendium, we now need a third person with a background in business-administration. This is the status quo.