

Baut eigenes Team auf Sucht Unterstützung
Networking and Co-founders.
Über mich

Experienced professional in the management of (IT) projects / products. Managerial experience in many IT areas. BTB / BTC domains. Cologne - Berlin.

Ich Suche

Networking, potential co-founders. You are a developer that could imagine to build / lead a digital workout platform, -or- you studied / posses some decent experience related to sports science, could build sports / workot programs.

Ich Biete

Opportunity to develop a new international start-up.

Bureau En Fit
Bureau En Fit

Development of an innovative workout right at the workplace digital platform, which targets bussnesses willing to offer (additional) sports programs to their employees.

Offene Stellen
Co-founder / Networking gesucht für Building up a new startup

An innovative Internet platform for office workouts.

Mitgründer:in Sonstige