Tim Oberhauser-profile-background-image

Tim Oberhauser (er/ihm)

Baut eigenes Team auf
I use tech to create impact at scale
Über mich

I have 8+ years of software development experience in the robotics field. I've worked at NASA JPL, Disney Research, GoPro and Leica Geosystems.

35 Jahre
savori - gamified, social cooking platform rewarding healthy consumption
savori - gamified, social cooking platform rewarding healthy consumption

savori is a revolutionary social cooking platform designed to inspire, educate, and incentivize healthier choices.

B2B B2C Bildung
Offene Stellen
Co-founder for early stage start-up (part time preferred for now) gesucht für savori - gamified, social cooking platform rewarding healthy consumption

Mitgründer:in Marketing Manager:in Business Developer:in