Über mich

Ich bin Roman Suleiman. Weitere Details zu mir sind in Arbeit und folgen in Kürze.

Ich Suche

I am currently for a co-founder (with a technology background ideally within software development) to build a start-up at the interface of fintech and cleantech with the following mission: SOL aims to replace the share of nuclear energy in the Swiss energy mix completely through solar energy, thereby building a decentralised and decarbonised energy system. To achieve this goal, a fully automated technology platform is built that offers three services. Firstly, an attractive financing scheme ensuring that a kWh of solar energy costs the same or less than a kWh from the grid. Secondly, a digitized project planning solution incorporating local and regional energy service providers to resolve bureaucratic hurdles. Thirdly, optimization of installed capacity by pooling it in a virtual power plant, thereby enabling services to the grid.

Ich Biete

I am currently in process of evaluating different financing options and should be able to offer payment for the development work of the beta version. In any case, there will be additional compensation besides just equity. Nevertheless, it will show quite quickly if my plan works out and if it does, upside will be significant.


Build a decarbonised and decentralised energy system through an innovative financing scheme that makes solar energy highly cost-efficient.

Finanzdienstleistungen Grüne Technologien Marktplatz / Plattform
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