Über uns

We are a young webagcency full of charming nerds. Our passion is to create highly individualized digital products and innovativ software!

We offer highly individualized digital solutions for your business. Every project is uniquely tailored to fit our client's exact needs - the way it's composed to be. We are creators, crafters, and bridge builders in the world of IT; a well-balanced team of web developers, designers, and content creators that always find the right tone. As an eCommerce agency we are located in Germany and experienced in the development of modern reactive front ends for our clients' shops to give end users access to the full potential of the latest web technologies. We specialize in Magento shops and integrated smart web applications that support our clients' individual business processes.

Unsere Angebote

Entwicklungspartnerschaften (Software, Webanwendungen, Apps, E-Commerce)

Wir wollen innovative Ideen unterstützen! Deswegen entwickeln wir gemeinschaftlich mit jungen Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern.

Technologie & Entwicklung
E-Commerce Entwicklung / Development

You are in need of an Online-Shop? Look no further.

Technologie & Entwicklung
App-Entwicklung / App development

The way IT's composed to be.

Technologie & Entwicklung
Folge uns


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