Über uns

HDAnalytics is an AI & Data Science Consulting firm founded by two PhD Data Scientists. We are specialized in R&D for Start Ups.

Which AI Method do I use to solve the task?
Can I accelerate my product with AI?
How can I analyze my data?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? If yes, then we are your partner to answer them and accelerate your product with Data Science and AI. If you already have an Idea and want to implement it, or your Lead Data Scientist needs in depth support of PhD experts we are the right partner for you. We have over 4 years of experience with Data Science projects and R&D for Start Ups and SMEs in different sectors such as Finance, Logistics, Public Health, Green Energy and Fundraising. Send us an Email for a free initial consultation.

Unsere Angebote

Data Science, ML and AI Consulting and R&D

Do you want to enhance your product or services with AI and Data Science? HDAnalytics offers Data Science and AI Consulting on PhD level.

Technologie & Entwicklung
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