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Cofounder Matching Tool for Startup Founders
My co-founder Tobi and I found our developer as a third team member through founderio. Now we're really taking off with the ProSiebenSat.1 Accelerator as our supporter.
Founderio User

Moritz Zyrewitz

Co-founder of
Thank you founderio! After only a few days my co-founder and I found each other here! Now nothing stands in the way of acc match's development. You have made it possible!
Founderio User

Jekaterina Kisseleva

CEO of accmatch

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What is founderio?

A mentor called us the "LinkedIn for founders" and we believe it's true.

Founderio is the largest online network for startup founders in Europe. We help entrepreneurs find cofounders, startup employees and business supporters online. Simply sign up and connect with thousands of entrepreneurial minds.

Our goal is to enable founders and startups in bringing their business ideas to life faster and more successfully and help scaling their startups.

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Our Values

Startup Community for Founders

Founders first

We are a platform for all people that want to become entrepreneurially active and change our world for the better.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation for a better future

Future for everyone

Climate change, as a major global challenge for humankind, demands us to take entrepreneurial action.

Female Entrepreneurs especially welcome

Female power

There are too few female entrepreneurs. A missed chance for our societies that we want to help tackling.

Our Partners

These organizations support startups, founders and us!

UnternehmerTUM Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is partner of founderio
Gruenderszene News zu Startups is partner of founderio
Medical Valley - International führendes Cluster der Gesundheitswirtschaft is partner of founderio
Deutsche Telekom is partner of founderio
CEWE Fotowelt is partner of founderio
Startup Creator is partner of founderio
Bearingpoint is partner of founderio - News zu Startups is partner of founderio
HWR Berlin: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht is partner of founderio
AngelLeads is partner of founderio
WiWo Gründer - Wirtschaftswoche is partner of founderio
BPW - Businessplan Wettbewerb Berlin is partner of founderio
Space Shack - Live & Cowork In The Future is partner of founderio
Samsung is partner of founderio is partner of founderio
Corporate Startup Summit is partner of founderio is partner of founderio
Bits & Pretzels is partner of founderio

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