
Reach 1000+ business angels with your pitch deck

Reach private investors

Get rid of cold calling!

  • Be found, stop searching
  • No inefficient cold calls
  • Angels apply to you
Waving with papers
How it works

Three steps to your investment

  • 1

    Upload pitchdeck

    After uploading, our angels can request access to your pitchdeck from you.

    Waving with papers
  • 2

    Receive inquiries

    Decide for yourself which inquiries from interested investors you want to accept.

    Handing a key
  • 3

    Write messages

    Further details, a product presentation or a first meeting? Exchange contact details!

    Woman and man doing a high five
Full control

You decide who gets access!

Only business angels with a premium account, registered on founderio, get the possibility to request pitchdecks. You can decide for yourself if you accept or decline a request. There is no access to your pitchdeck without your consent!
Image Description

Reach 1000+ Angels in one go!

Simply upload a pitchdeck to your startup project and receive personal requests from exciting funding partners. Our Angels are waiting for you!

Add your pitch deck How it works
Open requests 0

Add your pitchdeck