
Heiko (he/him)

Builds up a team Is looking for support
And now to something completely different
Intro / About me

Studium Wirtschaftsinformatik Angestellter in einem großen Unternehmen

I'm looking for

Techniker und Entrepreneure, die den Drive haben, ein neuartiges Online-Kalendersystem in den Markt zu bringen

I offer

Eine gute Idee, betriebswirtschaftliche und technische Kenntnisse, Erfahrung in größeren Unternehmen

50 years
Supercalendar (working title)
Supercalendar (working title)

Supercalendar should be related to date related information and calendars in the way that Twitter is related to messaging, blogs etc.

Advertising Entertainment Marketplace / Platform
Jobs Listings
Entrepreneur (CTO) needed for New social media platform

Co-Founder Developer Designer Project Manager
Entrepreneur (COO/CFO) needed for New social media platform

Co-Founder Finance Manager Operations Manager Project Manager