I am a full stack developer with over 17 years of experience and currently helping established startups building their apps. more info on: aemalsayer.com
Intro / About me

I am a full stack JavaScript freelance developer with extensive professional experience in React.js, React Native, Redux, Node.js, Solidity, Web3.js and Google Cloud. I am a fast learner, never give up and know how to google, so you will be in good hands. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

38 years
I'm looking for

I am looking for a nontech cofounder coming from sales and marketing background.

I offer

I am a software engineer with over 17 years of experience and founded 3 startups.

Jobs Listings
CMO needed for TBD Startup

Most probably a B2B SaaS focusing German market in the start and then EU market. I am in the idea phase, looking forward to your suggestions

Mentor Marketing Manager Sales Manager
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