Oliver Sauer-profile-background-image

Oliver Sauer (he/him)

Builds up a team Is looking for support
I am looking for co-founders and team members.
Intro / About me

I've designed an entirely new type of coffee machine and it will reshape the coffee industry. It's a huge win in many ways for the end user and the environment.

I'm looking for

Co-founders, team members, network, investors, mentors

I offer

An exciting start-up in the coffee industry. Let's wake this industry up!

OLES Coffee
OLES Coffee

The perfect combination of the perks of capsule machines with those of portafilter machines. SMALL - EASY & QUICK TO USE - BARISTA COFFEE QUALITY

Consumer Electronics Foods Hardware
Jobs Listings
CMO / Co-Founder / Consumer Brand needed for Consumer Product / Coffee machine

Co-Founder Marketing Manager Business Developer Researcher