Jasmin Schockenbaum-profile-background-image

Jasmin Schockenbaum (she/her)

Wants to join a team Builds up a team Is looking for support
Everyone is capable, but might not have found the right teacher yet.
Intro / About me

Jasmin 26, Biology graduate specializing in Genetics and Biotech. Founder of an Online-Tutoring Service. Solo business handling tutoring, mentorship, and marketing. Passionate about building a global online school to create an inclusive and transformative learning environment.

I'm looking for

Co-Founder im EdTech Bereich. Ein Digitaler Klassenraum für Schüler und Studenten. / Co-Founder EdTech - building a digital classroom.

I offer

Entrepreneur: educational expertise seeking Co-Founder. Skills: startup leadership, education, team collaboration, marketing, innovation, global vision, effective communication, passion for learning


Globale Schule für Chancengleichheit! Schafft einen digitalen Klassenraum, wo jedes Kind, überall auf der Welt, erstklassige Bildung erhält. 🚀

Jobs Listings
CTO Co-Founder needed for Digitaler Lernort für Schülerrinnen und Schüler

Co-Founder Business Developer HR Manager Other