- seit 3 Jahren Freelance Consultant (Strategie, Sales, Pricing)
- seit 3 Jahren Startup Advisor (General, Vision, Mission, Strategie, Value Proposition, Zielgruppe, go-to-market)
- 10 Jahre Konzern (B2B, Vertriebssteuerung, Vertriebsstrategie, Pricing, Business Development, Automotive)
I'm looking for
>>Einen Sparringpartner, Mitgründer, Plattform Experten um eine Idee a la WG-gesucht oder AirBnB aber mit anderem Inhalt und anderer Vision der Realität ein Stück näher zu bringen.<<
Eine Business
I offer
Erfahrung in Business Development, Beratung, Strategie, Vertrieb, CRM, Pricing, Moderation, Projekt Management, Controlling, Marktforschung, etc im Corporate Umfeld.
Branchen Expertise in Automotive
My Mission is
...to help companies becoming "future proof" and hence transforming towards a long-term oriented, sustainable business
...spread the mindset that sustainability is an immense opportunity for the economy, finance, businesses, and new ventures. AND a necessity.
My definition of sustainability does not stop with the ecological aspect, but includes the social and economical views. It is about acting within and respecting the planetary and human boundaries.