Maximilian Weber-profile-background-image

Maximilian Weber

Builds up a team
Gründer, Startups, etablierte Unternehmen, am besten aus dem Bereich Sport
Intro / About me

Freier Mitarbeiter im Bereich Marketing

I'm looking for

Input über die Startup-Szene, Austausch mit Startups, Gründern und Unternehmern Backend Entwickler für spannendes Startup-Projekt

I offer

Erfahrungen in der Startup-Szene im Bereich Marketing und Produktentwicklung.

Sponsor My Club
Sponsor My Club

Sponsor My Club is changing the way how thousands of amateur sportclubs and athletes will find and gain financial support for sport related projects or potential sponsors. We combine and unify known and new ways of funding of sport related projects, and match atheletes and sportclubs with companies and private supporters. With a new and innovative concept of integrating social commerce we also boost the chances of every project and constitute an alternative form of financing the future and strengthen the social importance of the amateur sport.

Internet of Things Marketplace / Platform Social Entrepreneurship