What you bring to the team

We need to find early adopters and testers. Looking into 20 users to start. Goal is to get their insights on further development and ideally presale subscriptions. Market is very defined - international eBay sellers. There is access to the communities, sellers directly and partners. We need to find way create and communicate our value proposition clearly so we are capable to reach our early adopters with very limited budget.
You have strengths in...
  • getting in touch with people
  • pushing and getting things done

What awaits you

I already mentioned about expectations for this stage of the project. Later stages we need full marketing campaign creation and execution, managing all marketing side of the business.

What we offer you

Equal rights become cofounder and decision making role. What are your goals in next 5, 10 and 15 years? I help you to reach them.

About our project

Goal is to become number 1 international shipment management system for eBay sellers and dropshippers with strong entrance into other marketplaces.

Opportunity to become business partner and CMO. Willing to offer up to 50% of shares in the business. I am pretty flexible about terms, shares and titles as long as we can reach results.

Strong specialist in key roles

Target group
- International eBay sellers
- Dropshippers selling internationally
- Regulars buyers from Aliexpress platform

KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate