What you bring to the team

Wir suchen Hobby und Tech-Enthusiasten um die 18-24 die an Start-Up Projekten gegen Gage oder freiwillig mitwirken wollen. Folgende Projekte suchen unterstützung: https://www.marlonivo.xyz/cofound-us.html
You have strengths in...
  • organizing and keeping stuff tidy

What awaits you

- Building self-hostable Software
- Combining Devices with Code
- Programming CPU's
- Build dynamic and static Websites

What we offer you

- No hirarchial Structure
- Pay per Task
- Home Office
- Building new Ways nobody has gone before
- Young Leaders (18-24 Years old)


Employee in the area of Tech wanted as Other
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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