What you bring to the team

spiritual open soul who really wants to create a new way of business. Created by the spirit, by our souls to change the life of her people. No capitalism "oh I need this to be happy" no "drop shipping to make 100k per month". that's a low level of consciousness. We remind the people that everyone is more than just the body, the job, the "normal" life.

We find a product together. I'm open for everything. We can make a digital one, a physical product, coaching, Videos,... the only thing is it needs to remind people of there true self. If you get a call by reading this we are a match!!

What awaits you

I see myself as the creative part. I need a perfect analytic part on my site for an amazing ying and yang business building.

What we offer you

create something with a real meaning.

About our project

To reconnect people to there true self.

The Reminder for every customer that we are more than our body, more than our thoughts. That we are all perfect as we are. Pure Energy is in us. We juts forgot it while playing the game of life

find a product

Target group
every human being who got a call to discovery there true self.


Berlin Region
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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