Your search for "Software Analyst" resulted in the following hits:

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Elio Ermini
Elio Ermini
"Driving innovation and growth through strategic leadership and cutting-edge technology solutions, I aim to elevate startups to new heights as a visionary CTO." Co-Founder Employee
Software Engineer - Geht nicht, gibts nicht! 🦾 Employee Co-Founder
Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski
Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski
1. Build products based on your current needs and context, not wishful thinking.2. No fluff, no BS, no unnecessary work. Straight to the point. Co-Founder Employee
Christopher Zepp
Christopher Zepp
Mitgründer/in als Lead Developer (CTO) gesucht. Denn wir lösen das Maßband ab. Co-Founder
Daniel Kastenholz
Daniel Kastenholz
Selbständig als Software Engineer. Ca. 20 Jahre Erfahrung in IT-Projektmanagement, Software-Konzeptionierung und Entwicklung. Schwerpunkt Cloud / Portalaufbau. Co-Founder
Lajos Kesik
Lajos Kesik
Just in time Employee Co-Founder
Mohammed Jawad Abdulridha
Mohammed Jawad Abdulridha
Problem cracker Co-Founder Employee
Muhammad Affan
Muhammad Affan
Let's do it!! Employee Co-Founder
Tomi Nguyen
Tomi Nguyen
Nichts ist einfach
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