Swoopstar GmbH / www.swoopstar.com
Swoopstar is a crowdsourced courier service, that matches people with transportation needs with travellers near them and willing to deliver.
What we offer
- CTO position as technical co-founder
- Investor to accelerate business growth
- Mentor for advisory function
Target group
People with shipping needs for goods, items or even a ride for themselves, and travellers nerby and willing to deliver.
Prototype as decent MVP just going to be finalized . Our upcoming steps will be to test the mobile application in a beta flight, get customer feedback and do improvement on mobile app to move forward towards commercial launch.
Our Story
SWOOPSTAR users will be able to have their goods delivered or even get a ride for themselves immediately at the touch of their finger. While travellers that are on the move, with their own vehicle, smartphones and some extra space are rewarded for their service. SWOOPSTAR aims to use technology and collaboration between people to improve urban traffic congestion, logistics, pollution and positively impact quality of life in all possible areas.
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