We are creating an aligned reality built from purpose, love, abundance, and harmony with all.



What we offer

We take you through an inward transformation to transcend limiting beliefs, fears, and anything that's holding you back from reaching your full potential to find your purpose. AI and practitioners help you through this journey. Once your purpose is clear, we purpose match you to roles within new systems/structures to build an aligned reality from a place of purpose and love. No more working unfulfilling jobs in systems that are misaligned and profit-centered. You get to be a part of something aligned that fills your cup up and benefits the whole.

Target group

Anyone who believes they are here to pave a new path. Those in technology, healthcare, education, government, justice, sustainability, regenerative agriculture, biophilic architecture, etc.


resistance to change, fear and/or discomfort

Our Story

RIIS started as AI health plans. The idea was to disrupt the healthcare system. We were the only system in America that eliminated 3rd party PBMs. However, as we kept stepping, we realized how much bigger all of this is. If we keep creating in the same systems and structures that created misalignment and room for greed, fear, control etc, then we are going to see many of the same outcomes, regardless of the intention behind what we're creating. So, we decided to go bigger. Create completely new systems that are aligned, self-organizing, and built from a different place and unite those who are here for this purpose. The time for change is now. You are the change the world has been waiting for.