Connect 100 million people through hearts, elevating their consciousness and fostering meanful interperson relationships for better well being.
What we offer
10%-15% of the shares at the early stage and competitive salary after raising funds in pre-seed funding.
Target group
The “15% lonely crowd”, women and men aged between 18 to 35, ideally, love meditation or yoga.
I need a developer with me to join an accelerator program together and build a MVP before we proceed to the pre-seed funding.
Our Story
I used to suffer from lack of connection with people through heart. I found that our ego stop us from developing our true potentials and understanding true self profoundly. From the bottom of my heart, and as destiny would have it, I met my founder and her gurus.
Living in the heart is the fundamental teaching from my masters, Drunvalo Melchizedek and Daniel Mitel, besides practices such as meditation and yoga, to build a life full of love and peace and excitement. So the founder with me decided to build a project for this purpose.
Integrating occult teachings and science into an app is a complex task. Fortunately, after five years of research, we have developed a promising business plan, execution logic and a prototype. To ensure its success, I furthered my studies in Europe and launched this project in Berlin.
Living in the heart is the fundamental teaching from my masters, Drunvalo Melchizedek and Daniel Mitel, besides practices such as meditation and yoga, to build a life full of love and peace and excitement. So the founder with me decided to build a project for this purpose.
Integrating occult teachings and science into an app is a complex task. Fortunately, after five years of research, we have developed a promising business plan, execution logic and a prototype. To ensure its success, I furthered my studies in Europe and launched this project in Berlin.