Open positions

As employee #2 and CxO, you'll spend most of your first year wearing many hats with your fingers in many pies. The traditional roles associated with CEO, CPO, etc will emerge later and depending on fit.

Key & first-year responsibilities include: making sure there is enough cash in the bank; networking and lead generation to get partnerships and customers; marketing and communications, setting vision and strategy, hiring and retaining excellent talent, connecting with the aquaculture, clean water generation, and other industries (e.g. bioplastics, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, surfactants, biofuels); running great pitches, outreach presentations, and board meetings; keeping the organization flexible and adaptable for potential pivots; tackling urgent matters in due time; exuding calm, trustworthy leadership.

You will ideally have hands-on experience in establishing, running, or exiting a high-tech hardware startup.