WECARRY revolutionizes the "bag for bread, fruits & vegetables" with RFID technology. WECARRY is a "packaging-as-a-service" service with no additional effort.
What we offer
WECARRY is the first packaging-as-a-service-solution for reusable bags in bakeries and supermarkets.
Target group
Bakeries and supermarkets (DACH)
The challenge lies in transforming people's routines from using disposable to reusable options. This involves persuading our partners!
Our Story
Meine Eltern haben einen Hund namens Sunny - sie ist für ihre Vorliebe für altes Brot bekannt. Dieses alte Brot wurde immer in vielen Papiertüten in einer Kiste in der Küche meiner Eltern gelagert. Der Anblick der vielen Papiertüten störte mich, und ich begann darüber nachzudenken, wie man diese Situation optimieren könnte.
My parents have a dog named Sunny - she's known for her fondness for old bread. This old bread was always stored in many paper bags in a crate in my parents' kitchen. The sight of the many paper bags bothered me, and I started thinking about how to optimize this situation.
After some consideration, I came up with the idea of a deposit system for reusable bags. Instead of storing the bread in numerous disposable paper bags, reusable bags could be used that are cleaned and reused after each use. Instead of buying a new bag each time, I wanted people to be able to borrow these directly at the point of sale.
My parents have a dog named Sunny - she's known for her fondness for old bread. This old bread was always stored in many paper bags in a crate in my parents' kitchen. The sight of the many paper bags bothered me, and I started thinking about how to optimize this situation.
After some consideration, I came up with the idea of a deposit system for reusable bags. Instead of storing the bread in numerous disposable paper bags, reusable bags could be used that are cleaned and reused after each use. Instead of buying a new bag each time, I wanted people to be able to borrow these directly at the point of sale.