Open positions

I am currently looking for soulmate, co-driver and co-thinker - in the face of co-founder. His main strength is IT affinity in the technical sense, or programming, knowledge of open source and web development.
I hope that this person is exactly YOU reading this :)

But now let's go into details:


It's about an open source platform that helps companies and separate teams both in capacity planning and for optimising HR processes concerning interactions between teams.


Technical side:
* You have technical education, as well as business informatics, computer science, computer science, etc.
* You have knowledge of web development, mobile development and do not lose sight of trends in this area.
* You can programme in JavaScript, Python, TypeScript. You don't mind teaching yourself other tools and details that are important for modern web development.
* You understand or are interested in how AI and machine learning work.

Human side:
* You have a strategic mindset. You are interested in creating the concept and shaping the whole vision of the solution.
* Thinking ‘out-of-box’ is natural for you in the work process and solution search.
* You are proactive and can organise yourself well
* You have a certain interest in news and trends in IT.

It would be remarkable if...
* You already have some experience on real projects.
* You have an understanding of DevOps and solution architecture would also be desirable
We will be a good team. I am already looking forward to YOUR application.