wunderbon provides end-to-end encrypted data services like receipts + crypto payments for every point of sale — while saving our planet 🌍



What we offer

Every day, millions of receipts being printed worldwide. This pollutes our environment and has a negative impact on climate change. Chemicals used to develop the paper harms our health, and waste of the production process pollutes our groundwater.

We should ask us: Why we still do so? Following latest market research, 62 % of the consumers would like to receive a digital receipt instead of a printed one. 83 % of questioned merchants would like to provide digital services and build digital relationships. Device and internet distribution is more than just good enough. But replacing the old analogous paper based receipt with a digital solution requires, beside the good research results, an easy-to-use replacement which is in best case accessible for everyone worldwide. The current situation regarding the GDPR in EU and the data protection movement worldwide will need to be addressed for any service providing digital receipts in a large scale or let us say every digital service provided from now on.

It just a matter of time every information we exchange is encrypted.

Target group

Merchants (stationary and online)


Ausbau Plattform und App
Ausbau Akzeptanzstellen

Our Story

Our mission is to replace paper receipts with a sustainable alternative and in the process enhance them with contemporary digital features for merchants, suppliers as well as consumers. Thus, out of the necessity of a constantly clogged wallet, wunderbon with a sustainable business model in the form of our product wunderbon was born; since June 2020 strategically located in the beautiful Rhineland, to be more precise, in Monheim am Rhein.

Many years of professional experience, a high level of expertise in development, design and sales, and the use of a broad range of technologies are important building blocks for wunderbon's development to date. We offer both our partners and consumers an ever-growing number of digital added values around the digital receipt. We focus on data mining, consumer loyalty and couponing, and all with a customer-centric approach. We can be compared to a centralized Customer Data Platform (PaaS); one where the user has a say in how their data is used.
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