About us

We are a young startup with a focus on IoT, AI and sensor integration.

We are currently developing our own applications and products based on printed electronics that can recognise gestures or pressure distribution.
So far we have participated in several publicly funded projects and developed product prototypes.
As well as developing our own technology, we are also looking for potential partners who have an idea for a product or application and need technological support to make their dream a reality.
Our team of hardware and software experts look forward to creating new business applications with new products.

We are not looking to sell our services to other start-ups, but to collaborate and build a joint venture.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Product Development

We are a young startup with a focus on IoT, AI and sensor integration.

Technology & Development
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Ich suche nach ambitionierten Start-Ups, die Unterstützung im Beschaffungswesen benötigen und sich voll und Ganz auf Ihr Marketing konzentrieren können.
René Meye - MVP Beratung

Ich unterstütze Startups dabei ihr erstes erfolgreiches MVP zu erstellen. Es kostet euch eine Einladung und einen Kaffee.
Sergej Kemmer

Full-Service Software Developer | Vom Consulting bishin zur fertigen IT-Lösung | *Agentur ist gerade in Gründung*