About us

Start-Up Sales

The optimal sales candidate for a start-up shall have multiple capabilities, a superman. With a combination of expertise (years of working expertise), strategic orientation (possibly from a corporate environment), decision-making ability (quick scaling; already with the second start-up...), sensitiveness (makes a good sales colleague who understands/ can implement the requirements of the prospect/ customer), quality standards (already gone through an ISO 9001, TQM, QMS certification?) and some other topics such as marketing, teamwork, positioning, pricing, legal questions, data protection, personnel management, etc. (may be prolonged endlessly).

Finding someone who can do all of this will probably be a challenge. Especially in a start-up that is technologically innovative. Which means breaking new grounds.

I have already worked in start-ups several times and managed, sold and supported successful start-ups. All in international, consultative software environments.

Our Offers

International sales expertise

Sales, sales management, sales support, scaling, coaching in international sales environments.

Sales & Distribution
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We are a scaling company for the right startup.

Ich suche nach ambitionierten Start-Ups, die Unterstützung im Beschaffungswesen benötigen und sich voll und Ganz auf Ihr Marketing konzentrieren können.
Startup Creator

Startup Creator verwirklicht eure Ideen und stellt Gründern im Tech-Bereich alles zur Verfügung, was es braucht, um ein Startup zu gründen!