Michael is the Founder and CEO of the leading change management company Timmermann Group in Munich, Germany. As a psychologist and ex-McKinsey-consultant Michael uses his psychological and business expertise in successful companies he founded, acquired and invested in
I'm looking for
Co-founders, truly excited to create the world's best AI coach. Backgrounds: 1 AI architect, ideally with Python coding ability; 1 great Python developer, ideally with AI experience
I am the Founder and CEO of the leading change management company Timmermann Group in Munich, Germany.
I have a combination of business expertise (both entrepreneurially (serial entrepreneur for over 2 decades) and analytically (McKinsey experience) and deep knowledge of psychology.
My true passion for helping people change their mindset and behavior drives me to be a 1:1 coach for our clients, a keynote speaker, top management consultant and topteam developer.
With different teams, I have created and sold software products (especially in the learning and change area that is most relevant for this project) and web platforms.
And I love to be outdoors and enjoy art of many kinds :o)
My company, the Timmermann Group, shapes change with people in organizations. We use 1:1 coaching, consulting, agile coaching, own software, new work architecture, creative communication campaigns, trainings, large group events etc.
Automatizing a costly established service, we create a revolutionary AI coach that helps people learn to deal with challenges in their private & working lives.