The idea alone is of little value without a great team to bring it to fruition
Intro / About me
visionary idea producer who is looking for passionated entrepreneurs in the field of: backend/frontend development, it architecture, interface design, data science, AI development, sociology, psychology, business development, market research
backend/frontend development, it architecture, interface design, data science, AI development, sociology, psychology, business development, market research
I offer
In addition to my role as an IT consultant, I engage in generating innovative solution ideas, inspired by existing business models that have already proven successful in the market. Central to this is the focus on people and the utilization of cutting-edge technologies.
Neben meiner Tätigkeit als IT-Berater, beschäftige ich mich mit der Generierung von innovativen Lösungsideen, angelehnt an bestehenden Geschäftsmodellen, die bereits erfolgreich im Markt funktionieren. Im Vordergrund steht dabei der Mensch und der Einsatz neuster Technologien.
Future plattform where young people identify their personal learning strengths and build up skills in the field of IT and get recognized by potential employers