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Nicole Deutrich (she/her)

Builds up a team
Suche CTO & CMO für ein Health Startup
Intro / About me

Bis 2019 Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship, 2021 IT-Strategieberaterin , 2022 Yogalehrerin, 2023 Business Development & Sales Managerin, 2024 Gründerin über EXIST-Women Stipendium gefördert

I'm looking for

CTO or Web Developer/ AI Specialist (LLM, data), CMO or Marketing Specialist (digital marketing, content, social media, SEO, SEA)

I offer

Opportunity to write your own success story, fixed salary (EXIST-scholarsip)


PANCHAs vision is to integrate holistic healthcare services into our health system and give access to the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Healthcare Marketplace / Platform
Jobs Listings
CMO oder Digital Marketing Manager needed for Plattform for ganzheitliche Gesundheitsangebote

Employee Marketing Manager
CTO or Web Developer needed for Health Startup

Co-Founder Developer (backend) Developer (frontend) Developer (Mobile)