Serge Liatko-profile-background-image

Serge Liatko (he/him)

Builds up a team Is looking for support
Looking for talents and business partners
Intro / About me

Originally from Belarus, moved to United States, then to France about 25 years ago. My domains: linguistics, software development, AI, sales, marketing, business administration. Primary focus: software development and AI. Currently 3 start-ups (all 3 interconnected targeting related problems).

I'm looking for

I'm looking for investors in Software-as-a-Service start-ups and IA. I'm also looking for a VP of Sales / CMO.

I offer

AI consulting services specialized in building business applications requiring dealing with company knowledge base and specific brand voice.

44 years
TechSpokes Store
TechSpokes Store

An online store where you can subscribe to the premium tools we have developed since 2011 for the business clients of our primary project. Saves time and money.

Enterprise Software SaaS Software Development
Jobs Listings
CMO / VP of Sales needed for TechSpokes Store (a branch of TechSpokes Inc.)

Co-Founder Marketing Manager Manager Sales Manager